Orientation to Your Better Self

Do not take your existence as a human being for granted in this Satellite!

You can in the others, which deal with endeavour as we naturally understand it—our work and other efforts to make a life in society—but not here. The present context is humanity as a whole, not your present society.

A small voice inside you, your humanity, speaks up:

  • how can I have «a happy life»?
  • how does happiness interact with «leading a good life»? 
  • how do I «handle adversity»?
  • should I be «the best human being» I can be?
  • must I make the world «a better place»?
  • what is «goodness» anyway?
  • should I take «Godness» seriously?

and more.

You don't have to answer. But humanity has provided you and all of us with a route map via this Taxonomy.

Originally posted: 28-April-2012.